
The Ozar Journal

Dear OWH: What is Upper Crossed Syndrome?

Your regular activities like driving, sitting at your computer, and texting could be affecting your posture which is causing pain in different areas of your body. However, there are ways to fix this and reverse any harm caused!

Dear OWH: What is Upper Crossed Syndrome?

Your regular activities like driving, sitting at your computer, and texting could be affecting your posture which is causing pain in different areas of your body. However, there are ways to fix this and reverse any harm caused!

Dear OWH: Is being on my phone hurting my neck?

In a time when our phones can be used for almost every form of communication, people find themselves on it a significant part of the day and it’s contributing to poor posture and pain. Text neck is a real thing.

Dear OWH: What is Upper Crossed Syndrome?

Your regular activities like driving, sitting at your computer, and texting could be affecting your posture which is causing pain in different areas of your body. However, there are ways to fix this and reverse any harm caused!

Dear OWH: Is being on my phone hurting my neck?

In a time when our phones can be used for almost every form of communication, people find themselves on it a significant part of the day and it’s contributing to poor posture and pain. Text neck is a real thing.